Hey hey! So after a while of feeling uninspired and bored of my blog I gave myself a kick up the bum and decided to do something about it. Most of my posts you may have seen had been pre-written ageeees ago. Even though I didn't think they were very good I decided to post them anyway, I had nothing to lose did I?! Now they are all live I decided that I didn't want to carry on feeling like I had to post content and that it had to fit into a certain 'category' of blogging. So this is just a quick post to get it off my chest and to start a fresh!
As I said, I felt like I had to post content which I had to create and deliver in a certain way and because of this I wasn't putting my personality into my content. But now I am just going to put 100% into everything, posting what I want when I want.
Whilst I had a bit of spare time I rekindled my love for art and discovered the world of hand lettering. I post a few bits and bats on my Insta and I am also selling some watercolour design notebooks on my Depop (@poppyykayy).
I also want some new blogs to follow and want to get to know more people in the blogging world. So leave your blog in the comments then I can check it out!
I have loads of new ideas and I cant wait to get stuck in!