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Finding Your Own Style...

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Finding my own style has definitely been difficult for me. I still don't have my 'own' style but I reckon I am on the right path. I have a few tips and tricks I have picked up along the way the first one being...
NEVER (underlined a million times) buy an item of clothing, décor or anything (!!!) just because you have seen a blogger or celeb wearing/using it. I am guilty of doing this, I think a lot of people are to be honest. I remember, a few years ago, I bought a blouse just because I saw youtuber/blogger wearing it. I wore it once and never wore it again. Its not creating your own style, it is copying. It is also one of the worst money wasting habits ever (money saving tips here ;)), thank god I have grown out of it! 

Although you should never buy something just because a blogger has it, if you genuinely like it why not? If it suits you, you feel comfortable in it and you think its worth the money, go for it. Don't think just because a product is so 'mainstream' you cant buy it. I mean I like the marble trend like every other person (not copper though, meh). I am also thinking of investing in some Adidas superstars, which everyone and their grandma are wearing but, I don't care because I like the way they look and I think I could style them in my own individual way. This leads nicely onto the next tip.

If you like it, get it! I went through a massive phase of not buying things I loved, just because someone said they didn't like them. Now I just think sod it, I am the one wearing it not them!
That's basically it. Just don't give a care in the world what anyone thinks! If you like whatever it is... wear it, use it and style it up your way!
7 comments on "Finding Your Own Style..."
  1. This post was so helpful and I admire your style too Poppy!
    -Morgan x

  2. Finding your own style seems to be one of those things that are really easy but at the same time kind of difficult. Although, at the same time, I think the difficulty comes when you try to put a label on your style - suddenly you feel limited in what you can buy and that sort of thing.


    1. Yeah, I definitely agree! My style is just wearing whatever I day it might be all black and the other it could be bright florals! Just wear what feels right for you!

  3. i agree with you! I don't really have a 'style' yet - but i feel like more recently i'm realising what suits me and what i feel most confident in! although as you said, if i like it i'll wear it! x

    Becky | BCKY.CO.UK

  4. i agree with you! I don't really have a 'style' yet - but i feel like more recently i'm realising what suits me and what i feel most confident in! although as you said, if i like it i'll wear it! x

    Becky | BCKY.CO.UK

    1. Confidence in what you wear is key! Wear what makes you happy :) x
