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Sunday #2.

Sunday, 18 September 2016
Images from Tumblr
I am currently sat in my room with one of those black leathery blackhead masks on (you know the ones I mean??), buried in my duvet with my cinnamon-y scented candles lit and A Nightmare Before Christmas singing in the background...I don't think you could get much more autumnal than that!! 
 It is starting to get a bit cooler outside so of course I have taken full advantage of it. I am in full on autumn mode now and I just want to wrap up in 100 layers already!

What is your favourite season?

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9 comments on "Sunday #2."
  1. Oh my goodness I am so jealous right now, I am in work, and would much rather be at home with my candles on! Autmn is without a doubt my favourite, the colours, the leaves, the pumpkin spiced lattes!! :D

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    1. Its my fave too! I can't wait for the leaves to fall!

  2. Replies
    1. I can't wait to dig out my jumpers and coats!

  3. Ooh so torn between summer and winter I will opt for autumn's middle position; so looking forward to coffee shops in the evening and Halloween :)

    // xx

    1. Yeah, autumn is a good inbetween haha! xx
